Find out what you're made of. Learn More.

This is not pant size. Learn how to measure.

Your Body Fat Percentage: XX%
This is how much of your composition is fat.

Your Total Lean Mass: xxx lbs
This is everything else: bones, muscle & organs.

Your Total Fat Weight: xxx lbs
Healthy isn't zero! Find out why.

To enter the healthy zone you need to lose between xx and xx pounds of fat.

At your current level of lean mass, your goal weight would be between xx and xx pounds.

I want to gain muscle mass. To learn the importance of increasing muscle mass, click here.

Join now to learn your metabolic rate (what is this?) and get your personalized exercise, nutrition and lifestyle plan with all the tools to track your success.

You can do this. We can help.

Welcome to the Body Fat Calculator by Unified Lifestyle!

Enter your information by answering the three (3) adjacent questions and press "Calculate Now" to instantly determine your body fat percentage and lean body mass total. On the next screen, you will see what is acceptable and healthy range is according to your measurements and gender.

Your body fat percentage and lean body mass total are important numbers that provide an excellent gauge of your current health and potential risks. Please record the results and re-test yourself every four (4) weeks to gauge your success.

Body Fat vs. Body Weight

How much you weigh is not as important as "what" you weigh. The condition of obesity can be defined as being over-fat. The scale or BMI height and weight charts do not tell you how much of you is fat and how much of you is metabolically active muscle tissue.

Finding out what you are made of is the first step in designing a healthy lifestyle program.

The human body can be divided into two basic components: body fat and everything else. "Everything else" is your lean body mass and consists of the rest of your parts, muscles, organs, bones and blood and is the basis of determining your individual nutritional needs.

Knowing you body fat percentage allows you to establish goals and gauge your success accurately. If it is excess fat you want to lose, then that is precisely what should be measured to get you into the healthy body fat percentage zone.
How to Measure Your Waist

1. Use a soft tape measure to measure the circumference of your waist. Raise or remove shirt and measure on bare skin.

2. Stand up straight in front of a mirror and lightly relax your abdominal muscles.

3. Your waist is located at the top of your hip bone (iliac crest), however, for simplicity and accuracy, use your navel/bellybutton as the point of measurement.

4. Hold the tip of the tape at your navel/bellybutton and wrap the tape measure horizontally around your waist, in line with your navel and parallel to the floor. Pull it snug without squeezing your skin.

5. Record the date, time and measurement in a journal so you can accurately track monthly waist measurements for future reference and to gauge results.

Gender Differences

Genetically, women generally store more fat than men as a prehistoric disposition of the hormone estrogen for the primary purpose of childbearing.

Body Fat Chart
10% & under
4% & under
7% & under

A healthy level of body fat plays a vital role in maintaining human health. Body fat provides a concentrated source of energy, aids in the digestion of essential nutrients, protects organs, maintains body temperature and optimizes brain function. The minimum amount of essential fat needed to sustain life and function for males is 4 , 7 for youth and 10% for females.

Athletic performance for adults is hindered when body fat levels dip too low Men tend to perform best between 8 to 12 % body fat, and women between 14 and 20%. Safe and healthful levels of body fat are sub 25% in males and below 32% for women. Individuals with body fat percentages above those numbers may be considered at risk.

Youth under the age of seventeen are measured unisex, with healthy ranging from 7 to 17 percent, acceptable 17.1 to 25% and at risk over 25.1%.

For adults of advancing years, contrary to popular belief... Gaining body fat / losing muscle is not a natural part of aging... it is a natural reaction to inactivity of a sedentary lifestyle.

The minimum amount of essential fat needed to sustain life is:




The Unified Lifestyle™ Body Fat Calculator is an excellent tool to establish exactly what your body is made of. How much you weigh is largely irrelevant, it is the percentage of body fat that matters. Most every athlete with a low body fat percentage will fail a Body Mass Index (BMI) test because muscle is a dense metabolically active tissue.

Alternatively, crash dieting (in pursuit of a low scale weight) often sacrifices muscle tissue, which lowers the metabolism and casues the body to hoard fat as a natural survival response to starvation. This almost always leads to excessive fat gain due to a slowed metabolism. Understanding the metabolic advantage of maintaining muscle and shedding excess body fat requires following a Unified Lifestyle™. Join now @

Muscle is a metabolically active tissue that requires and uses energy, fat stores energy. It's a pretty simple equation so the more muscle, the more food you will need.

When you build muscle, you automatically reduce your body fat percentage.

Muscle is created when you challenge your muscle fibers with exercise, provided you supply the muscles with nutrition and rest so they will repair bigger and stronger better prepared for the next challenge.

Having a little extra muscle is a great thing - our muscles propel us, protect us and give us strength reducing the chance of injury� and of course muscles look great.
The metabolism is a complex system of chemical reactions that our cells use to convert fuel into energy needed to do every life function.

Fuel can come from the foods we eat and each nutrient (type of food) reacts very differently and sets off different chemical reactions. It is for this reason that the oversimplified theory of calories in equals calories out is simply wrong! All food is not created equal nor is the energy used the same in the foods we eat.

Fuel can also come from within our bodies when the nutrients we require are not available from food, our bodies can break down glucose, fat or muscle to provide the energy we need

The metabolic rate is the amount of energy generally described in calories that our bodies require to maintain life and the efficiency in which we burn the energy. Metabolic rate is an approximation because it is impossible to predict an exact number as our energy needs change constantly based on many factors such as genetics, amount of muscle mass, temperature, levels of stress and disease.